ZOHO Social

Build your Zoho SalesIQ automations with ease

…build it once and let it work 

Social media is the visibility goldmine – your best bet if you want to build your brand, reach new audiences, or scale faster than it would most likely take you to scale via other inbound marketing channels.

And you wouldn’t be wrong in being a social-media-conscious business. Social media platforms have a total of users running into billions of people. What’s more? Every other company – including your competitors – is on social media. Why not be too?

That’s where it gets tricky: social media is so saturated that your brand could easily get lost in the sea of brands that engage their customers using social media platforms. There is also the ever-dangling question of: “Which social media platforms are best for our business?”

Whether you run an early-stage small or micro startup or a 10-year-old mid-sized business, opting for a social media management software like Zoho Social is one of the most vital decisions to your success on social media.


We’ll walk you through what Zoho Social is, its features, and the benefits your company will gain from settling for the platform. Whereas, yours is a small- or medium-sized bootstrapped company where you’re very particular about how many people you bring on board. You don’t want a case where you’d hire many people and their skills would be underutilized. 

Get A Zoho Social Setup To Build Your Business Brand and Channel The Right Results

...giving you the ability to answer any question at any time.

Intuitive Post-Scheduling Options

Zoho Social offers you a range of post-scheduling options designed to help you achieve your social media marketing goals and revenue commensurate to your investment in social media.

Smart Social Monitoring and Engagement

Zoho Social offers you a suite of tools to perform smart social monitoring and engagement without having to integrate several third-party apps

In-depth and Relevant Analytics

Zoho Social is like the Google Analytics of your social media marketing endeavors, when it comes to generating data and insights.

Intelligent Collaboration Features For You and Your Team

Zoho Social allows for team collaboration efforts. You can assign roles to each member of your team and also select the functions each role can perform while managing the account.